At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about 10mm Medical Dc Mircomotor. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

DC Micro motors - Dr. Fritz Faulhaber GmbH
    Micro DC motor with extremely low current consumption, precise speed control and without cogging The main difference between FAULHABER DC micro motors and conventional DC motors is in the rotor. The rotor does not have an iron core but consists of a self-supporting skew-wound copper winding.

Micromotor - All medical device manufacturers
    DC micromotor 0615N series. for the medical industry. Speed: 20,200, 20,000, 19,100 rad.min-1. Length: 15 mm. Head diameter: 6 mm. Precious Metal Commutation Nominal …

10mm Coreless DC Motor – 13mm Type …
    10mm Coreless DC Motor – 13mm Type NFP-D1013 8.00 $ Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on customer …

Micromotor - All industrial manufacturers - DirectIndustry
    DC- Micromotors with precious metal commutation These ironless DC motors are the most compact in the industry today and most types feature integrated high resolution encoders …

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