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A review of journal clubs in postgraduate medical education
    Abstract. Objective: To review the goals, organization, and teaching methods of journal clubs, summarize elements of successful clubs, and evaluate their effect on reading …

A review of journal clubs in postgraduate medical education
    CONCLUSIONS: Journal club formats are educationally diverse, can incorporate adult learning principles, and are an adaptable format for teaching the “new basic sciences.” …

The journal club in postgraduate medical education: a …
    One randomized controlled trial found an improvement in knowledge of clinical epidemiology and biostaristics, reading habits, and the use of medical literature in practice, but no …

The journal club in postgraduate medical education: a …
    Abstract. An investigation was made as to whether studies have found journal clubs for physicians in training to be effective for improving patient. care, …

The journal club in postgraduate medical education: a …
    The medical education journal clubs have not been frequently conducted, as more preference has been given to the subject-specialty journal clubs, but …

A review of journal clubs in postgraduate medical education
    Examples of clubs that utilize principles of adult learning are reviewed.DATA SOURCES: English language articles identified through a MEDLINE search (1966–1997) …

A review of journal clubs in postgraduate medical …
    An important, explicit educational goal of most journal clubs is to teach critical appraisal skills, and for most programs, this is rated higher than keeping up with …

A review of journal clubs in postgraduate medical education
    personal research library It’s your single place to instantly discover and read the research that matters to you. Enjoy affordable access to over 18 million articles from …

The journal club in postgraduate medical education: A …
    Advantages of a journal club are: Helping people learn and improve their critical appraisal skills, Encouraging evidence based medicine, Promoting awareness of …

A systematic review of the effectiveness of journal clubs …
    Conclusions: Journal clubs are effective interventions to teach EBM in UME settings and are well-received by learners. They improve specific learning outcomes of …

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