At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about A Statistical Medical Summary Translation System. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

A statistical medical summary translation system
    However, it is written in English in some non-English native countries and becomes a barrier for a patient to read. In this paper we propose a framework for rapid acquisition of bilingual medical summaries using machine translation (MT) techniques. We describe a medical …

A statistical medical summary translation system
    A framework for rapid acquisition of bilingual medical summaries using machine translation (MT) techniques is proposed, and a pattern translation scheme to achieve domain …

A statistical medical summary translation system
    Although HCI studies have explored the design of machine translation systems to translate spoken languages to assist the clinical encounter [22], [23] and to …

A Statistical Medical Summary Translation System
    Medical Summary, Machine Translation, Pattern Identification 1. INTRODUCTION A health record such as a medical summary is a document which keeps track of a patient's …

A Pilot Statistical Medical Summary Translation System - 國 …
    translation result. Since medical summaries are health records and of great importance for patients, further review and modification of MT results by doctors is necessary. At …

Application of statistical machine translation to public …
    One important question thus is whether a generic SMT system performs sufficiently well on texts characteristic of the public-health domain, which may contain …

Table 9 from A statistical medical summary translation …
    A statistical medical summary translation system @inproceedings{Chen2012ASM, title={A statistical medical summary translation system}, author={Han-Bin Chen and …

Statistical machine translation - Wikipedia
    Statistical machine translation was re-introduced in the late 1980s and early 1990s by researchers at IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center and has contributed to the …

Statistical Machine Translation - an overview
    Moses is a statistical MT framework for training MT systems for any language pair ( Koehn et al., 2007 ). It offers two types of translation models: phrase-based and tree-based. It …

An Overview of Statistical Machine Translation
    This paper is intended for the curious translator as well as the beginning computational linguist or researcher of statistical machine translation, which is the most …

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