At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Aa Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Aa Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- noun (1) ˈä-ˌä ä-ˈä variants or a'a geology : basaltic lava having a rough, broken surface This jumble of two-year-old black rock is of the type known as aa (pronounced ah-ah). This is the term borrowed from the Hawaiian language for lava that is broken, jagged and angular, in …
AA | definition of AA by Medical dictionary
- AA 1. Acute appendicitis. 2. Alcoholics Anonymous, see there. 3. Amino acid, see there, also written 'aa'. 4. Amyloid-associated. 5. Aplastic anemia. 6. Arachidonic acid. 7. …
AA Medical Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
- 20+ meanings of AA abbreviation related to Medical: Vote. 18. Vote. AA. Alcoholics Anonymous + 1. Arrow. Healthcare, Psychiatry, Mental Health. Healthcare, Psychiatry, …
List of medical abbreviations: A - Wikipedia
- Aa. arteria, see Artery: Aag: abdominal aortic aneurysm (pronounced "triple …
AA Amyloidosis | Amyloidosis Foundation
- AA amyloidosis occurs as a reaction to another illness, such as a chronic inflammatory disease or a chronic infection. Infections and inflammation cause the liver to produce a protein called SAA (serum …
AA Amyloidosis: Symptoms, Prognosis
- AA amyloidosis, or secondary amyloidosis, is one type of the rare disorder amyloidosis. This disorder happens when proteins in your body mutate, changing form and gathering on your organs and …
What is the Definition of an Alcoholic - Alcoholics …
- An alcoholic describes someone who suffers from alcohol use disorder (AUD). The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) defines AUD as …
Amyloidosis - Symptoms and causes
- Amyloidosis (am-uh-loi-DO-sis) is a rare disease that occurs when a protein called amyloid builds up in organs. This amyloid buildup can make the organs not work properly. Organs …
Aa. | definition of aa. by Medical dictionary
- Patient discussion about aa. Q. Is it normal to have abused alcohal. go threw 3 years of a.a. and come out of it a controled drinker? A. No. Alcoholism is a lifetime disease. If you …
Epstein, AA | definition of Epstein, AA by Medical dictionary
- A.A., U.S. physician, 1880-1965. Epstein syndrome - symptoms include edema, protein concentration in urine, low concentration of albumin in the blood, and hyperlipidemia. …
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