At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Admission Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Admission | definition of admission by Medical dictionary
    Admission. MedspeakUK. (1) The point at which a person begins an episode of care—e.g., by arriving at an inpatient ward. (2) The point at which a person enters hospital as a patient. Vox populi A statement by a person accused of doing a certain …

Admission Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    admission. noun. ad· mis· sion əd-ˈmi-shən, ad-. : the act or process of accepting someone into a hospital, clinic, or other treatment facility as an inpatient. The …

Admissions | definition of Admissions by Medical dictionary
    Admission. MedspeakUK. (1) The point at which a person begins an episode of care—e.g., by arriving at an inpatient ward. (2) The point at which a person enters hospital as a …

Hospital admission | definition of hospital admission by …
    Admission. MedspeakUK. (1) The point at which a person begins an episode of care—e.g., by arriving at an inpatient ward. (2) The point at which a person enters hospital as a …

Patient admission | definition of patient admission by …
    A person with a medical condition who participates in a clinical trial. Often used synonymously with subject, though not all subjects in a clinical trial are patients (may also …

Understand What Constitutes a Hospital Admission
    CMS further states that the “[e]xpected length of stay and the determination of the underlying need for medical or surgical care at the hospital …

An Explanation of Inpatient vs. Observation Status
    Are you sick enough to need inpatient admission? Is the treatment you need intense enough or difficult enough that a hospital is the only place you can safely receive the treatment? Based on the …

Admission Type Code | ResDAC
    Admission Type Code | ResDAC Admission Type Code This variable is contained in the following files: TAF Inpatient File SAS Name ADMSN_TYPE_CD The basic types …

Hospital admission Definition: 114 Samples | Law Insider
    Hospital admission means admission of a Covered Person to a Hospital as an Inpatient for Medically Necessary and Appropriate care and treatment of an Illness or Injury. Sample 1 …

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