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Alveoli | definition of Alveoli by Medical dictionary
    1. A small hollow. 2. The bony socket of a tooth. ALVEOLUS OF LUNGS 3. An air sac of the lungs. See: illustration 4. Any of the honeycombed depressions of the gastric mucous membrane. 5. A follicle of a racemose gland. alveoli of the breast Glandular structures …

Alveoli Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    plural alveoli -ˌlī - (ˌ)lē. : a small cavity or pit: as. a. : a socket in the jaw for a tooth. b. : any of the small thin-walled air-containing compartments of the lung that are typically …

Alveoli: Function, Structure, and Lung Disorders - Verywell Health

    Alveole | definition of Alveole by Medical dictionary
      alveolus. A hollow cavity that is an outpouching of the respiratory bronchioles and the alveolar ducts; there are an estimated 150 million alveoli, which are the primary site of …

    Pulmonary alveoli | definition of pulmonary alveoli by …
      One of the thin-walled, saclike terminal dilations of the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveolar sacs across which gas exchange occurs between …

    Alveoli- | definition of alveoli- by Medical dictionary
      Alveoli- | definition of alveoli- by Medical dictionary alveoli- alveoli- , alveolo- Prefixes meaning alveolus. Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners Want to thank TFD …

    Alveolitis Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
      Alveolitis Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical Definition Entries Near Show more Save Word alveolitis noun al· ve· o· li· tis al-ˌvē-ə-ˈlīt-əs, ˌal-vē- : inflammation of …

    Alveolitis | definition of alveolitis by Medical dictionary
      1. Acute or chronic accumulation of inflammatory–PMNs, lymphocytes and immune effector–macrophages cells in the lung alveoli. See Allergic alveolitis, Fibrosing alveolitis, …

    Alveolo- | definition of alveolo- by Medical dictionary
      alveolo-. Combining form indicating an alveolus, the alveolar process; alveolar. [L. alveolus, a concave vessel, a bowl, a basin, fr. alveus, a trough, + - olus, small, little; akin …

    Dental alveoli | definition of Dental alveoli by Medical …
      alveolus. A hollow cavity that is an outpouching of the respiratory bronchioles and the alveolar ducts; there are an estimated 150 million alveoli, which are the primary site of …

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