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Amazing Medical Stories (TV Series 2002–2004)
    Read all Amazing Medical Stories follows the lives of people with rare and surprising medical afflictions and documents the remarkable medical treatments that are used to cure them. From a man falling into a churning cement mixer, to a baby born with four legs, each episode tells stories that range from unusual accidents to one-of-a-kind conditions.

Two-Faced Baby Triggers Shock and Awe - ABC News
    Two-Faced Baby Triggers Shock and Awe - ABC News Two-Faced Baby Triggers Shock and Awe Some think baby, born with two faces, is a reincarnation of a …

'Miracle' boy born with extremely rare condition that gave him 'two ...
    A baby born with the condition will have a single body, normal limbs but facial features that are duplicated to varying degrees. In more mild cases, a baby may have …

6 Inspirational Medical Stories of Patient Perseverance …
    Jenipher’s baby was stillborn, and she was afflicted with obstetric fistula, an opening between a woman’s genital tract and the …

Doctors stunned by baby born with two heads, three …
    A mom has given birth to a baby who was born with two heads, three hands and two hearts due to a rare medical condition. Doctors initially told Shaheen Khan, of …

17 Inspiring Health Stories That Made The World Seem …
    1. Batkid was declared cancer-free. Miles Scott stole everyone's heart as a 5-year-old leukemia patient who took over... 2. This nurse realized that the last time she met her new coworker doctor was …

True Medical Oddity Stories - Health
    5 Amazing Births The Girl With 8 Limbs In 2005, a girl with four arms and legs was born in a poor, rural Indian village. Lakshmi Tatma had two functioning arms …

50 Amazing Medical Cases That Are Interesting And …
    #1 James Harrison The "Man With The Golden Arm" After needing 13 liters of blood for a surgery at the age of 13, a man named James Harrison pledged to donate blood once he …

Watch Amazing Medical Stories - Free TV Series | Tubi
    Watch Amazing Medical Stories - Free TV Series | Tubi Amazing Medical Stories 2002 TV-MA Documentary The incredible true stories of people living with rare medical …

Stories of Survival (Amazing Medical Stories) | Only Human
    7.5K 860K views 4 years ago Segments include a boy who has his ankle replacing the knee joint; a man with a prosthetic face held in place by magnets; a woman …

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