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Amnion Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    plural amnions or amnia ˈam-nē-ə. 1. : a thin membrane forming a closed sac about the embryos or fetuses of reptiles, birds, and mammals and containing the amniotic fluid. 2. : a membrane analogous to the amnion and occurring in various invertebrates. …

Amnion | definition of amnion by Medical …
    amnion an embryonic, fluid-filled sac which occurs in reptiles, birds and mammals (AMNIOTES). Formed from ECTODERM and MESODERM and containing a coelomic …

Amnion - Wikipedia

    Amnion - Definition, Function and Quiz
      Amnion Definition. The amnion is an extraembryonic membrane that surrounds a …

    Medical Definition of Amnion
      Amnion: A thin membrane that surrounds the fetus during pregnancy. The amnion is the inner of the two fetal membranes (the chorion is the outer one), and it …

    Amnion | Radiology Reference Article
      Amnion refers to a membranous structure which covers and protects the embryo. It forms inside the chorion. The amnion usually fuses with the outer chorion …

    Amnion Definition & Meaning |
      noun, plural am·ni·ons, am·ni·a [am-nee-uh]. Anatomy, Zoology. the innermost of the embryonic or fetal membranes of reptiles, birds, and mammals; the sac in which …

    Amnion: Overview, Function and …
      Amnion refers to one of the first two fetal membranes to form after the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. The amnion constitutes one of the four …

    Amnion - definition of amnion by The Free Dictionary
      am·ni·on. (ăm′nē-ən) A sac of thin, tough membrane containing a watery liquid in which the embryo of a reptile, bird, or mammal is suspended. ♦ The watery fluid in …

    Medical Definition of Amnion - RxList
      Amnion: A thin membrane that surrounds the fetus during pregnancy. The amnion is the inner of the two fetal membranes (the chorion is the outer one), and it …

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