At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Amplitude Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Amplitude | definition of amplitude by Medical dictionary
    amplitude. 1. largeness, fullness; wideness or breadth of range or extent. 2. in conventional tomography, the motion of the x-ray tube (with the cassette moving in the opposite direction) during the x-ray exposure.

Amplitude Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1. : the extent or range of a quality, property, process, or phenomenon: such as. a. : the extent of a vibratory movement (as of a pendulum) measured from the mean position to …

Amplitudes | definition of amplitudes by Medical dictionary
    amplitude. 1. largeness, fullness; wideness or breadth of range or extent. 2. in conventional tomography, the motion of the x-ray tube (with the cassette moving in the opposite …

Amplitude (wave motion) | definition of Amplitude
    amplitude. 1. largeness, fullness; wideness or breadth of range or extent. 2. in conventional tomography, the motion of the x-ray tube (with the cassette moving in the opposite …

Amplitude Definition & Meaning |
    noun the state or quality of being ample, especially as to breadth or width; largeness; greatness of extent. large or full measure; abundance; copiousness. mental range, …

Amplitude of accommodation Definition & Meaning
    amplitude of accommodation noun : the difference between the refracting power of the eye when adjusted for vision at the far point and when adjusted for vision at …

Amplitude - definition of amplitude by The …
    amplitude ( ˈæmplɪˌtjuːd) n 1. greatness of extent; magnitude 2. abundance or copiousness 3. breadth or scope, as of the mind 4. (Astronomy) astronomy the angular …

Compound Muscle Action Potential (CMAP) Test
    CMAP amplitude is low in the muscle weakened by periodic paralysis and the weakness can be induced by exercise. Recording electrodes are placed over …

What is Amplitude? - Definition & Frequency …
    Amplitude is a measure of the degree of change in a wave. Learn the definition of amplitude and explore the relationship between amplitude and …

Amplitude | Definition & Facts | Britannica
    amplitude, in physics, the maximum displacement or distance moved by a point on a vibrating body or wave measured from its equilibrium position. It is equal to one-half …

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