At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Anal Medical Problems. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Anal Disorders | MedlinePlus
    Summary. The anus is the opening of the rectum through which stool passes out of your body. Problems with the anus are common. They include hemorrhoids, abscesses, fissures (cracks), and cancer. You may be embarrassed to talk about your anal troubles. But it is …

Anal Disorders Guide: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment …
    Anal abscess - An anal abscess is a swollen, painful collection of pus near the anus. Most anal abscesses are not related to other health problems and arise spontaneously, for …

Anal Disorders - Harvard Health
    Anal abscess - An anal abscess is a swollen, painful collection of pus near the anus. Most anal abscesses are not related to other health problems and arise spontaneously, for …

Anal pain Causes - Mayo Clinic
    Causes. By Mayo Clinic Staff. Causes of anal pain include: Anal cancer. Anal fissure (a small tear in the lining of the anal canal) Anal fistula (an abnormal channel between the …

Anal Pain: Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment - Cleveland Clinic
    Common causes of anal pain include: Anal abscess: An infected cavity caused by a blockage of glands in the anus. Anal fistula: A small tunnel connecting the infected gland …

Is Anal Sex Safe? What to Know - WebMD
    This is a dangerous problem that needs medical attention right away. Anal sex also increases your chance of getting an anal fissure . A fissure is a split in the tissue of your …

Rectal (Anal) Pain: Causes and More - Healthline
    Fecal impaction is a common GI problem that can lead to rectal pain. Chronic constipation can lead to impacted feces, which is a mass of hardened stool in the rectum.

Rectal prolapse - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    If you have rectal prolapse, you may notice a reddish mass that comes out of the anus, often while straining during a bowel movement. The mass may slip back inside the anus, or it …

Is anal sex safe? 6 potential risks to avoid - Medical News Today
    Some people believe that a possible risk of anal sex is that the rectum will stretch long-term, and that this damage can lead to fecal incontinence. For the most part, medical experts …

What you don't know about anal sex. A gastroenterologist explains.
    Anal sex seems to significantly raise your risk of having fecal incontinence. You probably shouldn’t do it. If you are going to do it anyway, don’t do it too frequently. It seems like …

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