At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Annals Of King Edward Medical University Lahore. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Annals of KEMU
    King Edward Medical University, Lahore, 54000 Pakistan; Phone: +92 (42) 99211145-53

Authors-Annals of KEMU
    INTRODUCTION. The new Editorial Board of Annals of King Edward Medical University during its meeting held on 12.12.2015 decided to follow the “Uniform requirements for …

Contact-Annals of KEMU
    King Edward Medical University, Lahore, Pakistan. Postal Code.: 54000 Telephone: +92 (42) 99211145-53

King Edward Medical Univeristy, Lahore
    King Edward Medical University is recognized by Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PM&DC), College of Physician and Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP), Higher Education …

Annals of King Edward Medical University Lahore …
    Over a period of ten years starting from January 1992 a total of 1257 patients presents with the diagnosis of chronic renal failure to the NephroUrology Department of …

King Edward Medical Univeristy, Lahore
    King Edward Medical University is recognized by Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PM&DC), College of Physician and Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP), Higher Education …

History - King Edward Medical University
    King Edward Medical University, Nelagumbad, Anarkali, Lahore, Pakistan. 54000. Phone : +92 (42) 99211145-54; Email:

Aroma NAEEM | Medical Doctor | Bachelor of Medicine
    Aroma NAEEM, Medical Doctor | Cited by 7 | of King Edward Medical University, Lahore | Read 12 publications | Contact Aroma NAEEM

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