At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Another Medical Term For Vomiting Or Emesis. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Emesis | definition of emesis by Medical dictionary
    vom·it·ing ( vom'it-ing) The ejection of matter from the stomach through the esophagus and mouth. Synonym (s): emesis (1) , regurgitation (2) . Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 emesis Vomiting. Collins Dictionary of Medicine …

Vomiting | definition of vomiting by Medical dictionary
    vomiting. [ vom´it-ing] forcible ejection of contents of stomach through the mouth. Called also emesis and regurgitation. cyclic vomiting recurring attacks of vomiting. dry …

Vomiting: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention in Adults and Babies

    17 Synonyms of VOMITING | Merriam-Webster Thesaurus
      Synonyms of vomiting vomiting verb Definition of vomiting present participle of vomit as in puking to discharge the contents of the stomach through the mouth the children with …

    Medical Terminology 6 Flashcards | Quizlet
      Removal of the large bowel congenital esophageal atresia Food tube is not connected to the stomach from birth dysmenorrhea Painful menstruation dyspepsia Condition of impaired …

    What is Emesis? The Medical Term for Throwing Up
      Emesis is a medical term defined as the act of vomiting. Vomiting, or throwing up, is to abruptly release the contents of the stomach and proximal small intestine out of …

    Chapter 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
      presence of stones -lithiasis sigmoid colon sigmoid/o anus and rectum proct/o Digestion -pepsia vomiting -emesis rectum rect/o

    What is the medical term for vomit? –
      The medical term for vomiting is emesis. Vomiting is when stomach contents exit the mouth. Which medical term, on the other hand, means vomiting? Vomit is the medical …

    What is another word for vomit - WordHippo
      What is another word for vomit? Contexts Verb To eject matter from the stomach through the mouth To expel or eject the contents of a body or container Noun … more Verb To …

    What is the medical term for vomiting? |
      The medical term for vomiting is emesis. Emesis defines the forceful emission of stomach contents through the mouth. The main causes for vomiting... See full answer …

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