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Antecubital Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    Antecubital Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical Definition Entries Near Show more Save Word antecubital adjective an· te· cu· bi· tal ˌant-i-ˈkyü-bət-ᵊl : of or relating to the inner or front surface of the forearm the antecubital area Dictionary …

Antecubital | definition of antecubital by Medical dictionary
    antecubital [ an″tĭ-ku´bĭ-t'l] pertaining to the surface of the arm in front of the elbow. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh …

Antecubital fossa Definition & Meaning | Merriam …
    antecubital fossa noun : a triangular cavity of the elbow that contains a tendon of the biceps, the median nerve, and the brachial artery Dictionary Entries Near …

Antecubital space | definition of antecubital space by …
    the fossa in front of the elbow, bounded laterally and medially by the humeral origins of the extensors and flexors of the forearm, respectively, and superiorly by an …

Antecubital Fossa | Structure and Anatomy
    The word "antecubital" refers to the space inside the crook of the elbow. It contains four main structures: the median nerve, the radial nerve, the brachial artery, …

Antecubital - definition of antecubital by The Free Dictionary
    Adj. 1. antecubital - of or relating to the region of the arm in front of the elbow; "blood was drawn from the antecubital region". Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart …

Antecubital fossa - Definition and Examples
    The antecubital fossa is the fossa in the anterior of the cubitus or simply the depression in front of the elbow. It contains the tendon of the biceps, the median …

Antecubital Fossa (Elbow Pit) - Definition …
    The antecubital fossa, or simply elbow pit, is the small triangular depression in the arm which is formed by the connection of the humerus with the …

Where is the antecubital space? –
    In technical anatomical terms, antecubital refers to the area anterior to the elbow—meaning the opposite side. In the human body, the antecubital area is where the …

Medical Definition of Cubital -
    Cubital: 1. Pertaining to the elbow. 2. Pertaining to the forearm and hand. 3. Pertaining to the ulna. From the Latin cubitum meaning elbow or cubit. The cubit was …

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