At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Anticipatory Bail On Medical Grounds. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Anticipatory Bail - Grounds and Conditions. - Substack
    In Cr.P.C., “Anticipatory bail” has not been defined. In the case of Balchand Jain v. State of M.P., the Hon’ble Supreme Court has observed that “anticipatory bail” means “bail in anticipation of arrest”. In the same case, the Hon’ble Supreme Court has further …

bail+on+medical+grounds | Indian Case Law | Law | CaseMine
    In case the petitioner files an application seeking his enlargement on bail on medical grounds, the same may be considered...for the petitioner and on carefully …

    Serious medical conditions have only been grounds for release on bail in a handful of situations, specifically where the petitioner himself is gravely ill and release …

Granted bail on medical grounds to a person accused of …
    But only on the ground for the purpose of providing medical treatment this Court is required to consider medical ground but not on merits of the case. Therefore, …

Recent judgements of Anticipatory bail - Law Insider India
    Anticipatory Bail is the third form of bail in the legal system of the judiciary, and it is extremely important in the Indian legal system. If an accused suspect …

Anticipatory Bail - Law Times Journal
    When any person apprehends that there is a move to get him arrested on false or trumped up charges, or due to enmity with someone, or he fears that a false case …

Grounds for Anticipatory bail - Criminal Law Judgements
    Grounds for Anticipatory bail. 8. Procedure where defendant only appears Where the defendant appears and the plaintiff does not appear when the suit is …

Important Judgments of Supreme Court on …
    If a person anticipates his arrest by police shortly, he can safeguard himself from the arrest by availing an Anticipatory bail under section 438 of the CrPC. If …

Explained: What is anticipatory bail, for …
    As opposed to ordinary bail, which is granted to a person who is under arrest, in anticipatory bail, a person is directed to be released on bail even before …

Steps to get an anticipatory bail | Criminal Bail Guide
    Draft an anticipatory bail application along with your lawyer and sign it. The application must also include an affidavit supporting it. A copy of the FIR along with other relevant …

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