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Aortocaval Compression Syndrome

    Aortocaval fistula | Radiology Reference Article
      Aortocaval fistula is a rare and devastating complication of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), in which the aneurysm erodes into the inferior vena cava. Epidemiology …

    Aortocaval Compression Syndrome - PubMed
      Aortocaval compression syndrome is also known as a supine hypotensive syndrome. This pathophysiologic state occurs in a pregnant female, typically after …

    Aortocaval compression syndrome - Wikipedia

      Aortocaval compression syndrome - Medical Dictionary
        Sudden fall in blood pressure due to diminished venous return caused by compression of the vena cava by the gravid uterus when the pregnant woman rests …

      Where is the aortocaval region located? What purpose …
        The aorticaval region is the space where the Abdominal Aorta (biggest artery in the abdomen) and the Inferior Vena Cava (main vein in the abdomen). If you drew a line …

      What is a aortocaval node metastasis? - JustAnswer
        There are lymph nodes located around the aorta (which is the major artery in the body) and the inferior vena cava (which is the major vein in the body). Both the …

      What is aortocaval lymph node | HealthTap Online Doctor
        What is aortocaval lymph node A 25-year-old female asked: I am having laser tattoo removal on the back of my neck. i had my first session two weeks ago , its …

      Portacaval Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
        por· ta· ca· val ˌpȯrt-ə-ˈkā-vəl : extending from the portal vein to the vena cava portacaval anastomosis Dictionary Entries Near portacaval porta portacaval portacaval shunt See …

      Retrocaval Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
        ret· ro· ca· val -ˈkā-vəl : situated or occurring behind the vena cava Dictionary Entries Near retrocaval retrobulbar neuritis retrocaval retrocession See More Nearby Entries Cite this …

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