At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Apophyseal Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Apophyseal | definition of apophyseal by Medical dictionary
    apophyseal [ ap″o-fiz´e-al] pertaining to an apophysis. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. ap·o·phys·i·al , apophyseal ( ap'ō-fiz'ē-ăl ), …

Apophyseal Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    apophysis noun apoph· y· sis ə-ˈpä-fə-səs plural apophyses ə-ˈpä-fə-ˌsēz : an expanded or projecting part especially of an organism apophyseal ə-ˌpä-fə-ˈsē-əl adjective Example …

Apophysis | definition of apophysis by Medical dictionary
    n. pl. apophy·ses (-sēz′) 1. Anatomy A natural swelling, projection, or outgrowth of an organ or part, such as the process of a vertebra. 2. Geology A branch from a dike or vein. …

Apophyses | definition of apophyses by Medical dictionary
    1. [TA] An outgrowth or projection, especially one from a bone. 2. A bony process or outgrowth that lacks an independent center of ossification. [G. an offshoot] Medical …

Apophyseal Joint | Spine-health
    An apophyseal joint is a point where two or more bones join in the spine. The spinal joint is encapsulated by connective tissues, coated with cartilage and lubricated with synovial fluid to enable smooth …

Apophysis | Radiology Reference Article
    The apophysis is a normal secondary ossification center that is located in the non-weight-bearing part of the bone and eventually fuses with it over time (most of the apophyses fuse during the 2 nd decade of …

Apophysial | definition of apophysial by Medical dictionary
    apophysis. (a-pof'i-sis) (a-pof'i-sez?) plural.apophyses [Gr. apophysis, offshoot] A projection, esp. from a bone; an outgrowth without an independent center of …

Apophyseal - definition of apophyseal by The Free …
    n. pl. a·poph·y·ses (-sēz′) 1. Anatomy A natural swelling, projection, or outgrowth of an organ or part, such as the process of a vertebra. 2. Geology A branch from a dike or …

Spondylolysis: Symptoms, Treatment, & Causes
    Spondylolysis is a spine condition that can be painful. It's a problem with the connection between vertebrae — the bones that make up the spine. Having spondylolysis can lead …

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