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Apposition | definition of apposition by Medical dictionary
    ap·po·si·tion. 1. The placing in contact of two substances or structures. 2. The condition of being placed or fitted together. 3. The relationship of fracture fragments to one another. 4. The process of thickening of the cell wall.

Apposition Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    The meaning of APPOSITION is a grammatical construction in which two or more usually adjacent words, phrases, or clauses (especially nouns or noun equivalents) that have the …

Medical Definition of Apposition - MedicineNet
    Mar 29, 2021 · Reviewed on 3/29/2021. Apposition: The word "apposition" has several senses including the act of adding or accretion and also the putting of things in …

Bone apposition | definition of bone apposition by …
    bone [bōn] 1. the hard, rigid form of connective tissue constituting most of the skeleton of vertebrates, composed chiefly of calcium salts. 2. any distinct piece of the skeleton of the …

APPOSITION | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
    apposition definition: 1. in grammar, a situation in which two nouns or noun phrases are used to refer to the same person…. Learn more.

Medical Definition of Apposition - RxList
    Mar 29, 2021 · Read medical definition of Apposition. Apposition: The word "apposition" has several senses including the act of adding or accretion and also the putting of things in …

Apposition Definitions and Examples - ThoughtCo
    Jan 24, 2018 · The definition and examples of apposition: placing side-by-side two coordinate elements, the second of which serves to identify or rename the first. ... In his study of Apposition in Contemporary English …

Definition of apposition in Medical Science — Competitive …
    Definition of apposition 1 The act of adding or accretion. Growth by apposition is characteristic of many tis- sues in the body by which nutritive matter from the blood is …

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