At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Aspiration Meaning In Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Aspiration | definition of Aspiration by Medical dictionary
    as·pi·ra·tion. ( aspir-āshŭn) 1. Removal, by suction, of a gas or fluid from a body cavity, from unusual accumulations, or from a container. 2. Inhalation into the airways of fluid or foreign body (e.g., vomitus, food, fluid). 3.

Aspiration: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and …
    Aspiration can lead to more severe issues like infection and tissue damage. For example, aspiration pneumonia is a lung infection that causes inflammation and buildup of fluid. …

Aspiration: What Does It Mean? Plus Causes and …

    Aspiration (medicine) | definition of Aspiration (medicine) …
      as·pi·ra·tion. ( aspir-āshŭn) 1. Removal, by suction, of a gas, fluid, or tissue from a body cavity or organ from unusual accumulations, or from a container. 2. The inspiratory …

    Meaning and Definition of Aspiration in Medical Terms
      Print. Aspiration has two meanings in medicine describing either the drawing in of a fluid with the sucking motion or the drawing out of a fluid with a suction. 1  The …

    What does aspiration mean? Symptoms, causes, and …
      Summary. Pulmonary aspiration is the medical term for a person accidentally inhaling an object or fluid into their windpipe and lungs. This can lead to …

    Aspiration (Removal of Fluids): How It's …
      Aspiration is the use of suction to remove fluid or other tissues from the body to test them for diseases and disorders. An aspiration can diagnose cancer, cysts, …

    Aspiration from Dysphagia | Cedars-Sinai
      Aspiration is when something enters the airway or lungs by accident. It may be food, liquid, or some other material. This can cause serious health problems, such as pneumonia. …

    Acute aspiration - Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
      Acute aspiration is the inhalation of foreign material into the airways beyond the vocal cords. Usually occurs in patients with risk factors such as swallowing …

    Joint Aspiration | Johns Hopkins Medicine
      Joint aspiration is a procedure to remove fluid from the space around a joint using a needle and syringe. This is usually done under a local anesthetic to relieve swelling …

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