At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Asplenia Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Asplenia - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf

    Asplenia Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
      asplenia noun asple· nia (ˌ)ā-ˈsplē-nē-ə : absence of the spleen or of normal spleen function or activity Patients with actual or functional asplenia are at risk for bacteremia due to …

    Asplenia - Wikipedia

      Asplenia | definition of asplenia by Medical dictionary
        a·sple·ni·a ( ā-splē'nē-ă ), Congenital or acquired absence of the spleen (for example, after surgical removal). Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 a·sple·ni·a ( ā …

      Asplenia - PubMed
        Asplenia means the absence of a spleen. Asplenia can occur in a variety of clinical settings, and it can refer to an anatomic absence of the spleen or functional …

      What is Asplenia & How is it …
        Asplenia is a medical condition where there is absence of normal spleen function. The term Asplenia literally means an absent spleen. However, the spleen …

      Vaccination of Adults with Asplenia | CDC
        If you do not have a spleen or your spleen does not work well, talk with your doctor about: Influenza vaccine each year to protect against seasonal flu. Tdap vaccine to protect …

      Asplenia: Signs, Indications, Symptoms, Causes, …
        The term, asplenia literally means 'absent spleen.' Characterized by a complete absence or severe malfunction of the spleen, there are many factors …

      Asplenia - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis …
        Asplenia is a medical condition which is the absence of the normal functioning of the spleen. This term has a literal meaning of “absent spleen” but does not …

      Asplenia definition, causes, symptoms, complications, …
        Asplenia means the absence of a spleen 1. Asplenia can occur in a variety of clinical settings, and it can refer to an anatomic absence of the spleen or functional asplenia …

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