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Assay | definition of assay by Medical dictionary
- ( as'sā, ă-sā' ), 1. The quantitative or qualitative evaluation of a substance for impurities, toxicity, or other characteristics; the results of such an evaluation. 2. To examine; to subject to analysis. 3. Test of purity; trial. [M.E., fr. O.Fr. essaier, fr. L.L. exagium, a weighing] …
Assay Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- as· say ˈas-ˌā a-ˈsā 1 : examination and determination as to characteristics (as weight, measure, or quality) 2 : analysis (as of a drug) to determine the presence, absence, or …
Medical Definition of Assay - MedicineNet
- Assay: An assay is an analysis done to determine: The presence of a substance and the amount of that substance. Thus, an assay may be done for …
Assay Definition & Meaning |
- assay. to examine or analyze:to assay a situation; to assay an event. Metallurgy. to analyze (an ore, alloy, etc.) in order to determine the quantity of gold, silver, or other …
Assays | definition of assays by Medical dictionary -
- as·say ( as'ā) 1. The quantitative or qualitative evaluation of a substance for impurities, toxicity, or other characteristics; the results of such an evaluation. 2. To examine; to subject to analysis. 3. Test of purity; trial. [M.E., fr. O.Fr. essaier, fr. L.L. exagium, a weighing] Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
Assayed | definition of assayed by Medical dictionary
- as·say ( as'ā) 1. The quantitative or qualitative evaluation of a substance for impurities, toxicity, or other characteristics; the results of such an evaluation. 2. To examine; to …
Biological assay | definition of biological assay by …
- assay [ as´a] determination of the purity of a substance or the amount of any particular constituent of a mixture. biological assay bioassay; determination of the potency of a …
Assay - definition of assay by The Free Dictionary
- as•say (v. æˈseɪ; n. ˈæs eɪ, æˈseɪ) v.t. 1. to examine or analyze: to assay a situation. 2. to analyze (an ore, alloy, etc.) to determine the content of gold, silver, or other metal. 3. to …
Biological assays | definition of Biological assays by …
- n. 1. Determination of the strength or biological activity of a substance, such as a drug, by comparing its effects with those of a standard preparation on a test organism. 2. A test …
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