At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Asthenic Personality Disorder Medical Dictionary. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Asthenic personality disorder - Medical Dictionary
    1.pertaining to dependence or to dependency. 2.hanging down. dependent personality disordera personality disordermarked by excessive need to be taken care of, with submissiveness and clinging and preoccupation with fears of abandonment, so that …

Asthenic personality | definition of asthenic personality by …
    as·then·ic per·son·al·i·ty. an older term for a personality type characterized by low energy level, easy fatigability, incapacity for enjoyment, lack of enthusiasm, and oversensitivity to …

Asthenic personality disorder | psychology | Britannica
    In personality disorder Persons with dependent personality disorder lack energy and initiative and passively let others assume responsibility for major aspects of their lives. …

Asthenic | definition of asthenic by Medical dictionary
    1. Relating to asthenia. 2. Denoting a thin, delicate body habitus. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 asthenic (ăs-thĕn′ĭk) adj. 1. Relating to or exhibiting asthenia; …

Asthenic personality disorder Definition and Examples
    a personality type characterised by low energy level, easy fatigability, incapacity for enjoyment, lack of enthusiasm, and oversensitivity to physical and …

Personality disorder | definition of personality disorder by …
    personality disorder. n. Any of a group of psychological disorders characterized by patterns of thought, behavior, and emotional response that differ from cultural …

Asthenic personality disorder - definition of Asthenic …
    n. A personality disorder characterized by an extreme need for care, support, and approval from others, submissive behavior, and fear of being alone. American …

Asthenic personality disorder, what is it, treatment
    Asthenic personality disorder is an ailment imperceptibly progressing and manifested by high exhaustion, complete loss or decrease in the ability to perform certain …

Personality disorders | definition of personality disorders …
    personality disorders a group of mental disorders characterized by enduring, inflexible, and maladaptive personality traits that deviate markedly from cultural …

Asthenic - definition of asthenic by The Free Dictionary
    asthenic ( æsˈθɛnɪk) adj 1. (Pathology) of, relating to, or having asthenia; weak 2. (Psychology) (in constitutional psychology) referring to a physique characterized by long …

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