At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Atrial Fibrillation Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Atrial fibrillation - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
- Atrial fibrillation (A-fib) is an irregular and often very rapid heart rhythm (arrhythmia) that can lead to blood clots in the heart. A-fibincreases the risk of stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications. During atrial fibrillation, the heart's upper chambers (the atria) beat chaotically and irregularly … See more
Atrial Fibrillation | - Centers for Disease Control and …
- Atrial fibrillation, often called AFib or AF, is the most common type of treated heart arrhythmia. An arrhythmia is when the heart beats too slowly, too fast, or …
Atrial Fibrillation (Afib): Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
- Atrial fibrillation (also called Afib or AF) is an irregular heart rhythm ( arrhythmia) that begins in the upper (atria) of your heart. If you have atrial fibrillation, the normal cycle …
What is Atrial Fibrillation (AFib or AF)? - American Heart …
- Atrial fibrillation (also called AFib or AF) is a quivering or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) that can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure and other heart …
Atrial Fibrillation - What Is Atrial …
- Atrial fibrillation, also known as A-fib or AF, is one of the most common types of arrhythmias (irregular heart rhythms). Atrial fibrillation causes your heart to beat irregularly and sometimes …
Atrial fibrillation | definition of atrial fibrillation by Medical ...
- Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia which affects 33 million individuals worldwide.[sup][1] It is associated with many adverse outcomes, …
Atrial fibrillation Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
- : very rapid uncoordinated contractions of the atria of the heart resulting in a lack of synchronism between heartbeat and pulse beat If you're experiencing chest pain, …
Atrial Fibrillation - Diagnosis | NHLBI, NIH
- Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosis IN THIS ARTICLE Screening methods Medical history Physical examination Diagnostic tests Other tests A healthcare provider will …
What Is Afib? | Johns Hopkins Medicine
- Afib stands for atrial fibrillation (AF), which is a type of arrhythmia, or abnormal heartbeat. Afib is caused by extremely fast and irregular beats from the upper chambers of the heart …
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