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Augment Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Synonyms of augment transitive verb 1 : to make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense The impact of the report was augmented by its timing. 2 : supplement She took a second job to augment her income. 3 grammar : to add an augment to (a verb form) (see …

Augmented Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1. : made greater, larger, or more complete. augmented capabilities. … creating a smart city is a matter of scale and augmented connectivity. Roger K. Lewis. see also …

Augment | definition of augment by Medical dictionary
    augmentation A surgical enhancement/plasty procedure in which a body part (e.g., breast, buttocks, cheeks, chin) is enhanced with Gore-Tex, fat, fibrous tissue, etc. Segen's …

Augmentation | definition of augmentation by Medical …
    aug·men·ta·tion ( awg'men-tā'shŭn) Process of increasing in size, amount, (e.g., breast augmentation). [L. augmentum, growth, increase] Medical Dictionary for the Health …

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Medical …
    Augmented Reality (AR) is a real-world augmented experience with overlaying or mixing simulated digital imagery with the real world as seen through a …

What does augmented mean in betamethasone?
    Augmented forms of prescription topical corticosteroids penetrate the skin more quickly and work faster than non-augmented forms. Augmented forms are …

Augmented breath | definition of augmented breath by …
    Augmented breath Pulmonology A breath occurring at regular–predictable intervals, possibly in response to the slow ↓ in lung compliance seen when constant ventilation is …

Electrocardiogram Medical Terms Flashcards | Quizlet
    Definition: electrocardiogram recorded between one limb and two other limbs. The augmented leads are designated aVF, aVL, and aVR for recordings made between the …

Augmented lead | definition of augmented lead by …
    Augmented lead | definition of augmented lead by Medical dictionary augmented lead aug·ment·ed lead electrocardiogram recorded between one limb and two other limbs. …

Augmentee Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    noun aug· ment· ee ˌȯg-ˌmen-ˈtē plural augmentees : a member of the U.S. military (such as a military reservist or a member of the Navy or Air Force) who is …

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