At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Auris Dextra Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Auris dextra | definition of auris dextra by Medical dictionary
    auris dextra: (ow'ris, or'is) (ow'rez, or'ez) plural. aures [L. auris , ear] Ear. auris dextra Right ear. auris externa External ear (pinna and external auditory meatus). auris interna Inner ear. auris media Middle ear (eardrum and auditory bones). auris sinistra Left ear.

Auris | definition of auris by Medical dictionary
    ear. ( ēr) [TA] The organ of hearing: composed of the external ear, which includes the auricle and the external acoustic, or auditory, meatus; the middle ear, or the tympanic …

Auris sinistra | definition of auris sinistra by Medical …
    auris sinistra: (ow'ris, or'is) (ow'rez, or'ez) plural. aures [L. auris , ear] Ear. auris dextra Right ear. auris externa External ear (pinna and external auditory meatus). auris interna …

Auris externa | definition of auris externa by Medical …
    n. 1. Anatomy. a. The vertebrate organ of hearing, responsible for maintaining equilibrium as well as sensing sound and divided in mammals into the external ear, …

List of medical abbreviations: Latin abbreviations
    List of medical abbreviations: Latin abbreviations. Add languages. Add links. Article; ... auris dextra a.m., am, AM morning: ante meridiem: nocte every night Omne Nocte a.s., …

Aures | definition of Aures by Medical dictionary
    ear. ( ēr) [TA] The organ of hearing: composed of the external ear, which includes the auricle and the external acoustic, or auditory, meatus; the middle ear, or the tympanic cavity with …

Top Acronyms and Abbreviations in Veterinary Medicine
    Some veterinary medical terminology refers to different body parts and sides of the body. They're often based on Latin translations. ... Auris Dextra for right ear; AS: Auris Sinistra …

Auricula atrii dextra | definition of auricula atrii dextra by …
    the small conic projection from the right atrium of the heart.

Dextral | definition of dextral by Medical dictionary
    dextral. (dĕk′strəl) adj. 1. Of, relating to, or located on the right side; right. 2. Right-handed. 3. Zoology Of or relating to a gastropod shell that coils clockwise and has its aperture to …

Auriscope - definition of auriscope by The Free Dictionary
    Noun: 1. auriscope - medical instrument consisting of a magnifying lens and light; used for examining the external ear (the auditory meatus and especially the tympanic membrane)

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