At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Australian Army Medical Units Ww2. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Royal Australian Army Medical Corps
    The Royal Australian Army Medical Corps (RAAMC) is the branch of the Australian Army responsible for providing medical care to Army personnel. The AAMC was formed in 1902 through the amalgamation of medical units of the various Australian colonies and was first deployed to South Africa as a … See more

2/13 Australian General Hospital | Australian War Memorial
    The 13th Australian General Hospital was formed at Melbourne's Caulfield Racecourse on 11 August 1941. Its personnel and equipment were assembled over the …

Army – World War II: 1939–45
    Army records from World War II usually include: attestation (enlistment) form, setting out personal details such as age, next of kin and former occupation service and casualty form (Form B103), …

Category: Australian Army Medical Corps, World War II
    During the Second World War, as with the First, the Australian Army Medical Corps operated military hospitals in Australia and overseas. Whilst the AAMC provided …

Second World War, 1939-1945 | Australian War Memorial
    Australian military history overview: Second World War, 1939–45. Nominal rolls. The Department of Veteran's Affairs created the World War 2 Nominal Roll, which provides …

List of Australian divisions in World War II - Wikipedia
    The following is a list of Australian divisions in World War II, including all divisions raised within the Australian Army during World War II. A total of 15 such formations were …

WW2 Order of Battle Medical Units
    WW2 Order of Battle Medical Units View of a Clearing Station, somewhere behind Utah Beach, Normandy, taken June 6 – 7, 1944 – triage of Airborne casualties and patients … Here follows a …

From the Archives: Australian army uses …
    Australian War Memorial, 057731 EXCLUSIVE - Disabled soldiers and Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany were used as human guinea pigs for medical experiments by the Australian Army …

Military Units in Brisbane area during WW2 - Base Section 3
    MILITARY UNITS IN BRISBANE AREA DURING WW2 BASE SECTION 3 Base Section 3 Headquarters were established in Somerville House in Brisbane. AIR FORCE ARMY …

Abbreviations used in World War I and …
    Defence and war service records Researching war service Abbreviations used in World War I and World War II service records Abbreviations used in World War I and World War II service records …

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