At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Autolysis Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Autolysis | definition of autolysis by Medical dictionary
    au·tol·y·sis. ( aw-tol'i-sis ), 1. Enzymatic digestion of cells (especially dead or degenerate) by enzymes present within them (autogenous). 2. Destruction of cells as a result of the presence of a lysin formed in those cells or others in the same organism. …

Autolysis Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    autolysis noun au· tol· y· sis ȯ-ˈtä-lə-səs : breakdown of all or part of a cell or tissue by self-produced enzymes autolytic ˌȯ-tə-ˈli-tik adjective Example Sentences Recent Examples …

Medical Definition of Autolysis -
    Autolysis: The enzymatic digestion of cells by enzymes present within them. The cells most susceptible to autolysis tend to be dying or dead cells. Pronounced aw …

Autolysis (biology) | definition of Autolysis (biology) by …
    au·tol·y·sis. ( aw-tol'i-sis ), 1. Enzymatic digestion of cells (especially dead or degenerate) by enzymes present within them (autogenous). 2. Destruction of cells as …

What is Autolytic Debridement And Its Role in Wound …
    What Is Autolytic Debridement? Autolytic debridement is the removal of necrotic debris and devitalized tissues from a wound through …

Autolyze Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Definition autolyze verb au· to· lyze variants or British autolyse ˈȯt-ᵊl-ˌīz autolyzed or British autolysed; autolyzing or British autolysing intransitive verb : to undergo …

Autolytic | definition of autolytic by Medical dictionary
    ( aw'tō-lit'ik) Pertaining to or causing autolysis. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 autolysis (o-tol′ĭ-sĭs) [ auto- + lysis] 1. The self …

Autolysis - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
    Autolysis. If a body decomposition score can be devised that can take these factors into account and be easily employed, then it may be useful forensically. From: …

Autolysis - Forensic Medicine - Mobile Health Knowledge
    Autolysis is the "self-digestion" of the cell. In the context of postmortem decomposition, it refers to the process by which catabolically active enzymes are able to …

Autolysis - definition of autolysis by The Free Dictionary
    Noun. 1. autolysis - lysis of plant or animal tissue by an internal process. self-digestion. lysis - (biochemistry) dissolution or destruction of cells such as blood cells or bacteria. Based …

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