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Bifurcate | definition of bifurcate by Medical dictionary
    bifurcate: , bifurcated ( bī-fŭr'kāt, -kā-ted ), Forked; two-pronged; having two branches. [bi- + L. furca, fork]

Bifurcate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    bifurcate: [verb] to cause to divide into two branches or parts.

Bifurcate Definition & Meaning |
    Bifurcate definition, to divide or fork into two branches. See more.

Bifurcation | definition of bifurcation by Medical dictionary
    bifurcation. [ bi-fur-ka´shun] 1. a division into two branches, such as a blood vessel, or a tooth that has two roots. Bifurcatio aortae (aortic bifurcation), showing the branching of the abdominal aorta into the …

Bifurcate - definition of bifurcate by The Free Dictionary
    Define bifurcate. bifurcate synonyms, bifurcate pronunciation, bifurcate translation, English dictionary definition of bifurcate. v. bi·fur·cat·ed , bi·fur·cat·ing , bi·fur·cates v. …

BIFURCATE | definition in the Cambridge English …
    bifurcate meaning: 1. (of roads, rivers, branches, etc.) to divide into two parts: 2. (of roads, rivers, branches…. Learn more.

Bifurcation Blockage: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
    A bifurcation blockage is a type of coronary artery disease (CAD). It occurs when fatty deposits called plaque accumulate in the area where a main coronary artery branches …

Bifurcation - definition of bifurcation by The Free Dictionary
    Define bifurcation. bifurcation synonyms, bifurcation pronunciation, bifurcation translation, English dictionary definition of bifurcation. v. bi·fur·cat·ed , bi·fur·cat·ing , …

Definitions and classifications of bifurcation lesions and …
    A bifurcation lesion is a coronary artery narrowing occurring adjacent to, and/or involving, the origin of a significant side branch that you do not want to lose. The very simple …

Bifurcation Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    bifurcation: [noun] the point or area at which something divides into two branches or parts : the point at which bifurcating occurs. branch.

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