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Bivalve | definition of bivalve by Medical dictionary
    n. Any of numerous freshwater and marine mollusks of the class Bivalvia, having a shell consisting of two hinged valves connected by a ligament, and including the clams, mussels, oysters, and scallops. Also called lamellibranch, pelecypod. adj. 1. Having a shell …

Speculum: Uses, Types, Exams, and Complications

    Bivalve Definition & Meaning |
      bivalve / ( ˈbaɪˌvælv) / noun Also: pelecypod, lamellibranch any marine or freshwater mollusc of the class Pelecypoda (formerly Bivalvia or Lamellibranchia), having a laterally …

    Bivalve Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      bi· valve ˈbī-ˌvalv : having or being a shell composed of two movable valves a bivalve mollusk bivalve 2 of 2 noun : any of a class of typically marine mollusks (as clams, …

    Bivalve speculum | definition of bivalve speculum by …
      bi·valve spec·u·lum ( bīvalv spekyū-lŭm) Probe with two adjustable blades. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 bivalve speculum A …

    Bivalve - definition of bivalve by The Free Dictionary
      bi•valve (ˈbaɪˌvælv) n. 1. any mollusk, as the oyster or mussel, of the class Bivalvia, having hinged lateral shells, a soft body enclosed by a mantle, sheetlike gills, and often a retractile foot. adj. 2. having two shells, usu. …

    Bivalvia | definition of Bivalvia by Medical dictionary
      n. Any of numerous freshwater and marine mollusks of the class Bivalvia, having a shell consisting of two hinged valves connected by a ligament, and including the clams, …

    Valve | definition of valve by Medical dictionary
      valve ( valv ), [TA] 1. A fold of the lining membrane of a canal or other hollow organ that serves to retard or prevent a reflux of fluid. See also: valvule, plica. 2. Any formation or …

    Bivalvia Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      Bivalvia plural noun Bi· val· via bīˈvalvēə in former classifications : the Lamellibranchia and Brachiopoda considered as a natural group sometimes : lamellibranchia Word History …

    What is a bivalve mollusk? - National Ocean Service
      Bivalve mollusks (e.g., clams, oysters, mussels, scallops) have an external covering that is a two-part hinged shell that contains a soft-bodied invertebrate. A roughfile clam from the Flower Garden Bank National …

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