At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Bk Medical 8838. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Endocavity 3D 8838 | BK Medical
    Endocavity 3D 8838. Unique High Resolution Color and 3D Imaging. The world’s first electronic transducer for endovaginal, endoanal, and transrectal imaging, with built-in …

Transducers | BK Medical
    Endocavity 3D 8838. Applications: Transrectal, Transvaginal, Urology . Compatible with: Flex Focus ... BK Medical ® BK Medical is committed to designing active imaging systems that help surgeons …

Endocavity Biplane 8848 | BK Medical
    BK Medical is committed to designing active imaging systems that help surgeons visualize anatomy and lesions, guide interventions, and navigate inside the human body. Our …

BK Medical: Real-Time Active Imaging for …
    BK Medical is committed to designing active imaging systems that help surgeons visualize anatomy and lesions, guide interventions, and navigate inside the human body. Our mission at BK is to change …

Curved Array 8830 | BK Medical
    Simple and Convenient Interventional Procedures. Easy-to-use reusable and single-use needle guides. The 8830 needle guides are designed specifically for performing intervention in the abdominal …

Prostate Triplane 8818 | BK Medical
    BK Medical is committed to designing active imaging systems that help surgeons visualize anatomy and lesions, guide interventions, and navigate inside the human body. Our …

User Guides | BK Medical
    BK Medical is committed to designing active imaging systems that help surgeons visualize anatomy and lesions, guide interventions, and navigate inside the human body. Our …

BK Medical 8838 - Novarium
    Brand: BK Medical Model: 8838 Type: Endocavitary 3D/4D Frequency: 4.0/12.0 Mhz Ultrasound Machine: Flex Focus 400. Other products related to Flex Focus 400. BK …

3D 20R3 (9052) Anorectal Transducer | BK Medical
    Scan your patient and examine their data at any time, on any PC. 3D cube provides accurate distance, area, angle, and volume measurements. Reproduce your work with …

    Find new & used BK MEDICAL 8838 for sale on Bimedis ⏩ Buy with fast worldwide delivery Best prices Only verified sellers! Bimedis. Glory to Ukraine! Let's win together! ...

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