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Blister | definition of blister by Medical dictionary
    blis·ter ( blis'tĕr) 1. A fluid-filled thin-walled structure under the epidermis or within the epidermis (subepidermal or intradermal). 2. To form a blister with heat or some other …

Blistery | definition of blistery by Medical dictionary
    blis·ter ( blis'tĕr) 1. A fluid-filled thin-walled structure under the epidermis or within the epidermis (subepidermal or intradermal). 2. To form a blister with heat or some other …

Blister Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    plural blisters. 1. : a fluid-filled elevation of the epidermis compare water blister. 2. : an enclosed raised spot (as in paint or the surface of baked dough) resembling a …

Blistering Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    blis· ter· ing ˈbli-st (ə-)riŋ Synonyms of blistering 1 : extremely intense or severe blistering heat 2 : very rapid a blistering pace blistering adverb blisteringly ˈbli-st (ə-)riŋ-lē adverb …

Medical Dictionary - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Dictionary Search medical terms and abbreviations with the most up-to-date and comprehensive medical dictionary from the reference …

Blistering - definition of blistering by The Free Dictionary
    (ˈblɪs tər ɪŋ) adj. 1. causing blisters. 2. (esp. of sunlight, heat, etc.) very severe or intense. 3. very fast or rapid: a blistering pace. [1555–65] blis′ter•ing•ly, adv. Random House …

Medical Definition of Blister
    Blister: A collection of fluid underneath the top layer of skin ( epidermis ). There are many causes of blisters, including burns, friction forces, and diseases of the …

Blistering agent | definition of blistering agent by Medical …
    a chemical compound or preparation that causes the formation of skin blisters, mustard gas, used in World War I, was a blister agent. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © …

124 Synonyms & Antonyms of BLISTERING - Merriam …
    1 as in intense extreme in degree, power, or effect even after a blistering attack from the enemy, the fortress held Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance intense fierce intensive …

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