At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Bollington Medical Centre Uk. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Bollington Medical Centre - The Middlewood Partnership
    Bollington Medical Centre Wellington Road Bollington Cheshire SK10 5JH . Phone 01625 462593 or 111 (after 6.30pm and at weekends)

Contact Numbers - The Middlewood Partnership
    Bollington Medical Centre. Bollington Medical Centre Wellington Road Bollington Cheshire SK10 5JH. Phone 01625 462593 or 111 (after 6.30pm and at weekends)

Home - The Middlewood Partnership
    bollington medical centre mcilvride medical practice priorslegh medical centre schoolhouse surgery Are you feeling unwell? We've collated lots of useful information on health issues that are important to you – all from …

Order your medication - The Middlewood Partnership
    Please read the information leaflet and complete the relevant form and bring it to either Priorslegh or Bollington Medical Centre (during the COVID pandemic these are the two …

PATCHS - The Middlewood Partnership
    Bollington Medical Centre. McIlvride Medical Practice. Priorslegh Medical Centre. Schoolhouse Surgery. PATCHS - online access for patients. A message from the GP …

Bollington Medical Centre - Facebook
    Bollington Medical Centre, bollington. 807 likes · 2 talking about this. Bollington Medical Centre is based in the heart of Bollington and covers a large area of Eastern Cheshire …

Ordering Your Medication - The Middlewood Partnership
    Send us a letter detailing the request to Bollington Medical Centre (Middlewood Partnership The Waterhouse, Wellington Rd, Bollington, Macclesfield SK10 5JH) where our team will convert your query into a …

Meet the Doctors - The Middlewood Partnership
    Tom Lösel graduated from Sheffield University in 1993. He has been a partner in Bollington Medical Centre since 1997. He has special interests in diabetes and substance misuse but is most interested in being a …

Request a consultation - The Middlewood Partnership
    We encourage and welcome online requests for NON-URGENT appointment requests, NON-URGENT advice, and for passing NON-URGENT information to your usual clinician. Please use the NHS app to …

Patient Access - GP appointments & prescriptions online
    Take control of your healthcare. Patient Access connects you to local health services when you need them most. Book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and discover local health services for you or your …

Need more information about Bollington Medical Centre Uk?

At Manningham Medical Centre, we collected data on more than just Bollington Medical Centre Uk. There is a lot of other useful information. Visit the related pages or our most popular pages. Also check out our Doctors page.