At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Bolster Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Bolster Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    bol· ster ˈbōl-stər 1 : a long pillow or cushion 2 : a structural part designed to eliminate friction or provide support bolster 2 of 2 verb bolstered; bolstering -st (ə-)riŋ : to support with or as if with a bolster also : reinforce came with me to bolster my spirits bolsterer -stər-ər …

Bolster Care Post-Operative Instructions - Michigan …
    What is a bolster? At the time of your surgery, you surgeon will apply a dressing called a “bolster”. A bolster is a type of dressing that is sewn on top of a skin graft. This dressing …

Bolster Definition & Meaning |
    noun. a long, often cylindrical, cushion or pillow for a bed, sofa, etc. anything resembling this in form or in use as a support. any pillow, cushion, or pad. Nautical. Also …

Bolster - definition of bolster by The Free Dictionary
    bol•ster (ˈboʊl stər) n. 1. a long, often cylindrical cushion or pillow for a bed, sofa, etc. 2. anything resembling this in form or in use as a support. 3. any pillow, cushion, or pad. 4. …

The Running Bolster Suture - AccessEmergency Medicine
    It represents a running suture approach for tying over a bolster dressing, which was traditionally performed with multiple interrupted sutures tying down a bolster dressing. …

58 Synonyms & Antonyms of BOLSTER - Merriam-Webster
    Definition of bolster 1 as in to sustain to hold up or serve as a foundation for used additional beams to bolster the ceiling Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance sustain …

Physical Therapy Bolsters, Wedges & Tumble Forms
    Bolster and Physical Therapy Bolsters cushions help make it easier to give patients therapy when they need a degree of support. Wedge Bolster Pillows, tumble forms …

Online Medical Dictionary at WebMD: Find Definitions for …
    Alice in Wonderland syndrome. Alpha hydroxy acids. Amino acids. Autophagia.

Bolster finger | definition of bolster finger by Medical …
    Bolster finger | definition of bolster finger by Medical dictionary bolster finger bol·ster fin·ger monilial infection of the nail fold. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 …

Booster | definition of booster by Medical dictionary
    booster. A regional term for inhaled cocaine. Booster dose, booster shot. A 2nd immunisation dose, administered after an appropriate time interval, which lets the body to …

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