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Hip fracture - Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
- A hip fracture is generally considered to be any fracture of the femur distal to the femoral head and proximal to a level a few centimetres below the lesser trochanter. History and exam Key diagnostic factors history of fall or trauma pain in the affected hip, groin, or thigh inability to bear weight or move the hip
Overdiagnosis of bone fragility in the quest to …
- Worldwide, about 1.5 million hip fractures occur each year.1 Incidence is expected to increase …
Calcium intake and risk of fracture: …
- Fig 1 ⇑ and table 6 ⇓ show that there were differences in all subgroup analyses for hip fracture, which …
Effect of dietary sources of calcium and protein on hip …
- The accompanying increased prevalences of chronic illnesses, loss of musculoskeletal mass, frailty, and bone fragility increase the risk of falls and fractures.1 …
Hip fracture | The BMJ
- Most of the remainder will have some residual pain or disability.2 3 The musculoskeletal Cochrane …
Management of hip fracture | British Medical Bulletin
- The latest report from the UK National Hip Fracture database (NHFD) reveals that 91.6% of hip fractures occur in patients over 70 years of age and the …
Hip fractures | British Journal of Hospital Medicine
- In the UK the incidence of hip fractures is nearly 76 000 cases per year, with the vast majority of these fractures occurring in patients over the age of 70 years. …
Update on medical management of acute hip fracture
- Hip fractures are the most common reason for urgent surgery in the elderly and often lead to long-term institutional care. 1 Despite advances in perioperative …
Physical examination tests of the hip - British Journal of …
- Solving this problem requires two primary approaches: (1) identify the most accurate-specific hip physical examination (HPE) tests and (2) provide detailed descriptions and …
Milk intake and risk of mortality and …
- In the analyses we did not consider fractures caused by metastatic cancer, but cases of fractures due to suspected high impact trauma were, as recommended,36 …
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