At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Brown Smelly Discharge After Medical Abortion. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Caring for Yourself After an Abortion - Planned Parenthood
    Non-bloody and range from a brown to black color. Mucus-like. If the discharge is itchy or painful, has a bad odor, and is pus-like, call us (see calling instructions above). ... do not use tampons for 1 week. (After a medical abortion/abortion pill, it is OK to use tampons …

FAQ: Post-Abortion Care and Recovery - UCSF Health
    You may experience cramps for a few days. Some women experience an episode of heavy bleeding and cramps four to six days after the procedure. Call the UCSF Center for …

Smelly discharge after abortion | HealthTap Online Doctor
    Brown discharge can : Be old blood. If you have a change in color, texture, odor or amount of vaginal discharge ; problems such as pain, itching burning with urination or s... Read …

Brown Discharge After Abortion - Access Project
    It is brownish or pink in color and starts discharging around 2 nd or 3 rd week after abortion. This brownish discharge contains decidua, serous exudate, erythrocytes, …

Foul smelly blood after abortion | HealthTap Online Doctor
    "there is brown smelly blood after medical abortion. is this normal?" Answered by Dr. Justin Diedrich: Normal: The brown discharge is old blood. It doesn't smell very good. ...

Discharge after abortion: brown and yellow, scanty and abundant, …
    The discharge takes about 10 days, changing its color from blood scarlet to dark (brown discharge after abortion). Medical abortion (pharmabort) with the help of hormonal …

brown discharge after abortion | Abortion discussions | Family …
    Having a brown discharge after period sometimes is just a side - effect, while on some occasion it is something that you should be worried about. But I strongly believe that …

Why does my vagina smell bad one month after taking abortion …
    Answer: If your vagina is smelling bad you need to get medical attention as soon as you can. You could have an STI or some other condition, but the fact that you had a medical …

Brown discharge - After 3 week of abortion i am having a thick
    Red discharge during pregnancy Brown discharge in middle of cycle Brown discharge mixed with blood Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for …

The causes and nature of discharge after an abortion: normal and ...
    After a mini abortion, brown discharge instead of menstruation or the so-called “daub” takes 5-7 days.. Then you can observe the usual leucorrhoea, which go before the onset …

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