At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Bsac Sport Diver Medical Form. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Diving fitness and medical forms - British Sub-Aqua Club
    or completing the self-declaration medical fitness form online in your MyBSAC account. You should also complete one in the event of a medical condition arising between these …

Medical matters and medical forms - British Sub-Aqua Club
    UKDMC advises BSAC and its members on diving medicine issues, including assessment of fitness to dive. If you can’t find what you are looking for or need advice please email us …

Medical forms updated for Covid-19 - British …
    BSAC works closely with UK Diving Medical Committee (UKDMC) who puts together the self-declaration medical form BSAC uses. This form has just been …

Forms - British Sub-Aqua Club
    Medical fitness to dive In order to learn to dive, you must be declared as medically fit to do so. This is done through a self-certification form which can be downloaded online. If you …

Sports Diver - British Sub-Aqua Club
    To become a Sports Diver, you must have successfully completed an Ocean Diver or Advanced Ocean Diver course (or have equivalent certification from another recognised …

    Welcome to the UK Diving Medical Committee. We advise on diving medicine issues, including assessment of fitness to dive. Covid-19 Update. We advise the British Sub …

Downloads - UKDMC
    Recreational Diver Medical Declaration Form 833.50 KB Depression Questionnaire 21.00 KB Diving with Diabetes 1.51 MB Diabetes form A and B 77.50 KB PFO position …

Advanced Ocean Diver to Sports Diver - British Sub …
    Moving to Sports Diver will broaden your experience in a variety of challenging open-water conditions and learn essential techniques to prepare you for diving to a maximum of …

UK Diving Medical Committee Recreational …
    Any diver requiring assessment for fitness to dive or has any queries with regard to the medical implications of COVID-19 on diving please contact a UKDMC Medical Referee …

Forms - British Sub-Aqua Club
    Select the diver qualification card you are applying for. The minimum diver grade required for Instructor card applications is Advanced diver. Please provide the Instructor number …

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