At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Buccal Pit Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Buccal pit | definition of buccal pit by Medical dictionary
    Buccal pit | definition of buccal pit by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary Google buccal pit buc·cal pit a structural depression found on the buccal enamel of molars. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 buc·cal pit ( bŭkăl pit) Structural depression …

What is buccal pit? | HealthTap Online Doctor
    Normal Tooth Anatomy: A "buccal pit" is a variation of normal tooth anatomy on lower back teeth. If you look closely at a lower molar, on the cheek side, you'll see two …

About Sublingual and Buccal Medication Administration

    Buccal cavity | definition of buccal cavity by Medical …
      The ventral cavity between the diaphragm and pelvis, containing the abdominal organs. It is lined with a serous membrane, the peritoneum, and contains the following …

    Buccal gland Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
      The meaning of BUCCAL GLAND is any of the small racemose mucous glands in the mucous membrane lining the cheeks. any of the small racemose mucous …

    My Sacramento Dentist Says I Have a …
      What Is a Buccal? Simply put, the buccal is the tooth surface opposite the cheek. Therefore, every single tooth comprises five surfaces. They are as follows: Mesial …

    Buccal Medication Administration Route Nursing Skill
      The word buccal (pronounced “buckle”) comes from the Latin “ bucca ,” which means cheek. When administering a medication via this route, the medication is generally placed …

    Buccal Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      1 : of, relating to, near, involving, or supplying a cheek the buccal surface of a tooth the buccal branch of the facial nerve 2 : of, relating to, involving, or lying in the mouth the …

    Buccal Definition & Meaning |
      Buccal is a technical anatomical term used in the context of medicine. When it means located in the mouth, buccal is synonymous with oral, which is a much more common …

    Buccal pit: Definition with Buccal pit Pictures and Photos - Lexic
      Medical Definition of Buccal pit. 1. A structural depression found on the buccal enamel of molars. (05 Mar 2000) Lexicographical Neighbors of Buccal Pit

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