At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Buffalo Neck Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Buffalo Hump: What Is It, Causes, Treatment, and …
    A buffalo hump is most commonly a result of Cushing syndrome, a disorder of excess cortisol, a naturally occurring hormone that is involved in a variety of bodily processes, such as metabolism. High levels of the hormone cortisol can lead to increased fat synthesis. With Cushing syndrome, the fat produced often deposits in the neck, known as lipodystrophy.

What Causes a Buffalo Hump on the Back of the Neck?
    A buffalo neck hump, or dorsocervical fat pad, can develop when fat collects on the back of your beck. Learn about causes, symptoms, and treatment. A buffalo neck …

What causes a hump on the back of the …
    A dorsocervical fat pad is also known as a buffalo hump. A buildup of fat between the shoulder …

Buffalo Hump: What Is It, and Why Does It …
    Buffalo humps may occur alongside other symptoms that indicate excess cortisol, including: acne …

Hump Behind the Shoulders: Causes, Diagnosis, and …

    Hump Behind Your Shoulders: What It Is and How You …
      A hump behind your shoulders, sometimes called a buffalo hump or a dorsocervical fat pad, is a buildup of fat behind and slightly below your neck.

    Spine, Neck & Back Pain and Injuries
      Back and neck ailments are two of the most common causes of disability in our population today. The spine is a complex structure, and there are a number of injuries or age …

    Neck Pain & Neck Injuries | UBMD Orthopaedics & Sports …
      The neck is full of muscles, nerves and tiny bones – the vertebrae that start at the base of the skull and continue throughout the body to the tailbone. The whole neck area – or …

    Neck Injury Doctor | Medical Care of WNY | Buffalo, NY
      Your neck consists of muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and nerves that can become damaged through a variety of circumstances. This can lead to serious pain and …

    Buffalo Medical Group
      At Buffalo Medical Group, our top priority is keeping our patients and staff safe. That’s why we’ve expanded our Telemedicine capabilities, to provide patients with video …

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