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Bump Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    bump: [noun] a relatively abrupt convexity or protuberance on a surface: such as. a swelling of tissue. a cranial protuberance.

105 Synonyms & Antonyms of BUMP - Merriam-Webster
    Synonyms for BUMP: swelling, lump, bruise, nodule, node, hump, knot, tumor; Antonyms of BUMP: miss, skirt

Bumps on the skin: Pictures, causes, and treatments - Medical News Today

    Bump - definition of bump by The Free …
      Define bump. bump synonyms, bump pronunciation, bump translation, English dictionary definition of bump. v. bumped , bump·ing , bumps v. tr. 1. To strike or collide …

    Medical Definition of Bumps - MedicineNet
      Medical Definition of Bumps. Bumps: Bumps are raised areas protruding from a level surface, such as skin bumps; or bruise results from blood leaking from these …

    Cysts, Lumps and Bumps: Causes, Symptoms, …
      Cysts are noncancerous, closed pockets of tissue that can be filled with fluid, pus, or other material. Cysts are common on the skin and can appear anywhere. …

    Bump | definition of bump by Medical dictionary
      bump: Regional drug slang for: noun (1) Crack cocaine. (2) Fake crack cocaine. (3) A hit of ketamine. verb To boost or increase a high. A nonspecific lay term for: (1) A superficial …

    Traumatic brain injury - Symptoms and causes - Mayo …
      Seek emergency medical care if there are any signs or symptoms of traumatic brain injury following a recent blow or other traumatic injury to the head. The terms "mild," …

    Sebaceous hyperplasia: Definition and …
      Due to an overgrowth of oil-producing cells, sebum can become trapped inside the gland, causing it to swell and form a bump under the skin. This is known as …

    Cyst: Pictures, Causes, Types, Treatments, …
      A perineural cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms on the spine. Causes are unknown, but it may result from back trauma. Types of trauma associated with this …

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