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Bursa | definition of bursa by Medical dictionary
    bursa. [ bur´sah] (pl. bur´sae) ( L.) a small fluid-filled sac or saclike cavity situated in places in tissues where friction would otherwise occur. adj., adj bur´sal. Bursae function to facilitate the gliding of muscles or tendons over bony or ligamentous surfaces.

Bursa Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    plural bursas -səz or bursae -ˌsē -ˌsī : a bodily pouch or sac: as a : a small serous sac between a tendon and a bone b : bursa of fabricius bursal -səl adjective Geographical …

Bursitis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

    Bursitis: Types, Symptoms, Treatment & FAQs
      Bursitis is the painful swelling of a small, fluid-filled sac called a bursa. These sacs cushion areas where bone would otherwise rub on muscle, tendons or skin. By padding …

    What Is a Bursa? | Arthritis-health
      When the synovial membrane of a bursa becomes inflamed, it is called bursitis. The inflamed membrane will thicken. In addition, the membrane will produce excess synovial fluid, causing the bursa to …

    Bursitis - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo …
      Physical therapy or exercises can strengthen the muscles in the affected area to ease pain and prevent recurrence. Injections. A corticosteroid drug injected into the bursa can relieve …

    bursa - Medical Dictionary
      A bursa is a small, fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion between a bone and other moving parts, such as muscles, tendons, or skin. Bursitis occurs when a bursa becomes …

    What is a Bursa? Anatomy, Locations, …
      A bursa is defined as a fluid-filled sac located within the joints of the body. The plural word for bursa is bursae. A bursa is designed to provide a cushion, reduce friction, and dissipate...

    Medical Definition of Bursa - MedicineNet
      Bursa: A closed, fluid-filled sac that functions as a gliding surface to reduce friction between tissues of the body. When a bursa becomes inflamed, the condition is …

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