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Boutonnière Deformity - OrthoInfo - AAOS
    Boutonnière deformity is generally caused by a forceful blow to the top (dorsal) side of a bent (flexed) middle joint of a finger. It also can be caused by a cut on the top of the finger, which can sever the central slip (tendon) from its attachment to the bone. The tear looks like a buttonhole ("boutonnière" in French).

Boutonniere (Buttonhole) Deformity - Medscape
    Practice Essentials. A boutonnière (buttonhole) deformity (BD) may develop either in the acute setting (secondary to trauma) or progressively (secondary to arthritis). …

Boutonniere (Buttonhole) Deformity …
    Harris Gellman, MD is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, American Academy of Orthopaedic …

Boutonnière Deformity (Buttonhole Deformity) - OSMI …
    Boutonnière deformity (also called buttonhole deformity) is a medical condition affecting the tendons of the finger which causes the finger to appear crooked, the middle joint bent …

Buttonhole Deformity - Carolina Hand Sports Medicine
    Once a buttonhole deformity has been confirmed, the doctor will likely apply a splint to the affected finger to keep it straight and allow the tendon to heal. This splint must be worn …

Congenital Hand Deformities | Johns …
    Treatment for congenital hand deformities. Specific treatment for congenital hand deformities will be determined by your child's doctor based on: Your child's age, overall health, …

The Buttonhole Technique: What It Is and …
    Only when patients have a fistula access (not a graft or catheter) can the buttonhole technique be used. To do this, dull dialysis needles are inserted into the same …

Buttonhole | definition of buttonhole by Medical dictionary
    buttonhole: ( bŭt'ŏn-hōl ), 1. A short straight cut made through the wall of a cavity or canal. 2. The contraction of an orifice down to a narrow slit; that is, the so-called mitral …

Buttonhole Access for Hemodialysis: Right for Some …
    Buttonhole cannulation used for hemodialysis is a controversial technique. If done incorrectly - or inconsistently - it can lead to local and systemic infections. Tushar …

How to sew a buttonhole by hand: practice that makes beautiful
    Measure your buttons for the buttonhole length. Add interfacing and any facings. Mark the buttonholes. Slash the buttonhole. Whipstitch the edges. Anchor your buttonhole gimp …

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