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Noma (disease) - Wikipedia
    Noma (also known as necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis, gangrenous stomatitis, or cancrum oris) is a rapidly progressive and often fatal infection of the mouth and face. This disease predominantly affects children between the ages of two and six years old in the least developed countries around the world. See more

Noma (cancrum oris) - UpToDate
    According to an 1848 description, orofacial noma is a "gangrenous affection of the mouth, especially attacking children in whom the constitution is altered …

What is Noma (Cancrum oris)? -
    It destroys soft tissues and bones of the oral and paraoral structures. What is Noma? Noma, also known as cancrum oris or gangrenous stomatitis, is a severe and …

Cancrum Oris - DoveMed
    Cancrum Oris is also known as Noma, from the Greek word “ nomē ”, meaning to devour or feed. The condition begins as small ulcer on the gums that rapidly spreads to involve other parts of the mouth …

Noma (cancrum oris): A scoping literature review of a …
    Noma (cancrum oris) is an ancient but neglected and poorly understood preventable disease, afflicting the most disenfranchised populations in the world. It …

Noma disease (cancrum oris, orofacial gangrene) in an …
    In 1926, Smith et al. presented the first case of cancrum oris in leukemia patients after a postmortem examination of a patient who died of hospitalization due to …

Noma CANCRUM ORIS Pictures: Causes, Symptoms …
    What is noma cancrum oris? Noma is a rapid, grossly mutilating gangrenous stomatitis of the oro-facial tissues, which occur in young children aged 2 …

Cancrum oris Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    cancrum oris noun can· crum oris ˌkaŋ-krəm-ˈōr-əs, -ˈȯr-, -ˈär- plural cancra oris -krə- : noma of the oral tissues called also gangrenous stomatitis Dictionary Entries Near …

Cancrum oris | definition of cancrum oris by Medical …
    cancrum oris An opportunistic infection affecting grossly malnourished and neglected children. The peak age incidence is 1 to 4. Gum inflammation (gingivitis) proceeds to …

Cancrum Oris: Management, Incidence, and Implications …,_Incidence,_and.8.aspx
    In a 15-year period (1979 to 1993), 81 child patients with cancrum oris were admitted to the pediatric plastic surgery unit. There were 29 boys and 52 girls, of whom 58 were below 3 …

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