At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Cardiff Medical School Undergraduate Office. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Key contacts - School of Medicine - Cardiff University
    School of Medicine undergraduate admissions. +44 (0)29 2068 8113.

School of Medicine - Cardiff University
    The School of Medicine is a major international centre for teaching and research, and committed to the pursuit of improved human health. ... Being a medical student at …

Undergraduate - School of Medicine - Cardiff University
    Medical Pharmacology. Our BSc programme encourages and develops your natural curiosity on how medicines work. Our un-paralleled range of clinical opportunities and placements will help you to make the very best …

Medicine - School of Medicine - Cardiff University
    We combine progressive healthcare education and patient care with world class research and outstanding teaching facilities in order to help you to become the very best doctor you can be. The courses we have on offer …

Our location - School of Medicine - Cardiff University
    Our address. School of Medicine. UHW Main Building. Heath Park. Cardiff. CF14 4XN. Get directions to Cardiff University by bus, train, car or plane. "The Heath Park Campus …

Undergraduate Training - Cardiff and Vale University …
    Cardiff and Vale Undergraduate Clinical Placements. The Department of Medical Education provides the following services and facilities: clinical placements to all …

Contact our undergraduate teams - Study - Cardiff …
    Undergraduate Recruitment Office. There are a number of ways you can contact us and keep up-to-date with undergraduate study at Cardiff. If you have a specific question, ... Email: Phone: +44 …

Courses - School of Medicine - Cardiff University
    Courses. We provide exciting, case based, community led learning using our modern facilities and cutting edge techniques. All of our courses are delivered through our Centre for Medical Education based on the Heath …

About us - School of Medicine - Cardiff University
    We pursue the highest standards of research, education and training. We exist to create and share knowledge and to educate and train individuals to become exemplary clinicians, …

Cardiff Medical School | The Complete Guide - Medmentor
    A101/A102 (Graduate-entry 4 year course) - the graduate-entry medical course at Cardiff University School of Medicine is only available to applicants enrolled on 1 of the 4 'feeder …

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