At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Cascade Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Cascade | definition of cascade by Medical dictionary
- cascade [ kas-kād´] a series of steps or stages (as of a physiological process) that, once initiated, continues to the final step because each step is triggered by the preceding one, resulting in amplification of the signal, information, or effect at each stage. In electronics, …
Cascade Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- cas· cade (ˌ)kas-ˈkād. Synonyms of cascade. 1. : a steep usually small fall of water. especially : one of a series. 2. a. : something arranged or occurring in a series or in a …
Cascades | definition of Cascades by Medical dictionary
- cascade [ kas-kād´] a series of steps or stages (as of a physiological process) that, once initiated, continues to the final step because each step is triggered by the preceding one, …
Medical Definition of Cascade - MedicineNet
- Cascade: A sequence of successive activation reactions involving enzymes (enzyme cascade) or hormones (hormone cascade) characterized by a series of …
Coagulation cascade | definition of Coagulation cascade …
- cascade [ kas-kād´] a series of steps or stages (as of a physiological process) that, once initiated, continues to the final step because each step is triggered by the preceding one, …
Cascade - definition of cascade by The Free Dictionary
- cas·cade. (kăs-kād′) n. 1. A waterfall or a series of small waterfalls over steep rocks. 2. Something, such as lace, thought to resemble a waterfall or series of small waterfalls, …
Cascades of Care | American Council on …
- Care cascades, while it may channel thoughts of the outdoors, fast running streams and natures bounty, in actuality refers to the health systems response to those low-value activities. A …
Prescribing cascade | definition of prescribing cascade …
- The administration of a new drug to a patient because of side effects produced by another prescription. Later prescriptions increase the risk of further side effects, drug interactions, …
Coagulation Cascade: What Is It, Steps, and More
- The coagulation cascade, or secondary hemostasis, is a series of steps in response to bleeding caused by tissue injury, where each step activates the next and ultimately …
Medical Definition of Cascade - RxList
- Cascade: A sequence of successive activation reactions involving enzymes (enzyme cascade) or hormones (hormone cascade) characterized by a …
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