At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Cavitation Medical Term Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Cavitation | definition of cavitation by Medical dictionary
    cav·i·ta·tion. ( kav-i-tā'shŭn) 1. Formation of tiny bubbles in water exiting tip of an electronic instrument; when collapsing, these bubbles produce bactericidal shock waves that act by tearing bacterial cell walls. 2. Formation of a cavity. Medical Dictionary for the …

Cavitation Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    noun. cav· i· ta· tion ˌka-və-ˈtā-shən. : the process of cavitating: such as. a. : the formation of partial vacuums in a liquid by a swiftly moving solid body (such as a propeller) …

Cavitation Definition & Meaning |
    cavitation / ( ˌkævɪˈteɪʃən) / noun the formation of vapour- or gas-filled cavities in a flowing liquid when tensile stress is superimposed on the ambient pressure the formation of …

Dental Cavitations: What are they and how …
    A dental cavitation is a hole in the jawbone, even though “dental” usually refers to the teeth. The more medical term for this is “neuralgia-induced cavitational …

Dental Cavitations: Definition, Facts, & Myths - Ask the …
    A dental cavitation is a term that is used to describe an area of damage in the jawbone. The dictionary defines a “cavitation” as an empty space formed within a solid …

Cavitation - definition of cavitation by The Free Dictionary
    n. 1. The sudden formation and collapse of low-pressure bubbles in liquids by means of mechanical forces, such as those resulting from rotation of a marine propeller. 2. The …

What does cavitation in lungs mean? - Studybuff
    Medical Definition of cavitation 1 : the process of cavitating especially : the formation of cavities in an organ or tissue especially in disease. 2 : a cavity formed by cavitation. …

What to Know About Ultrasonic Cavitation - WebMD
    Ultrasonic or ultrasound cavitation is the use of ultrasound technology to break down fat cells below the skin. It is a non-surgical method of reducing cellulite and localized fat. …

What Does Cavitation Mean In Medical Terms
    Cavitation definition of cavitation by Medical dictionary 9 hours ago cav·i·ta·tion. 1. Formation of a cavity, as in the lung in tuberculosis or with development of a bacterial …

How Does Ultrasonic Cavitation Work to …
    Ultrasonic cavitation, or ultrasound cavitation, is a cosmetic procedure that’s used to break apart fat deposits in your body. The treatment claims to …

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