At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Clinica Medica Moscati. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Clinica Medica Moscati
    Our true non-profit medical clinic provides compassionate primary medical care to uninsured persons. Our patient population for the most part are young, working class …

Clinica Medica Moscati | Huntsville AL - Facebook
    Clinica Medica Moscati, Huntsville, Alabama. 479 likes · 14 talking about this · 14 were here. Non profit medical clinic. MISSION STATEMENT: To …

Husband, wife open primary care practice for Hispanic …
    WAFF 48 stopped by the Clinica Medica Moscati on Lowe Avenue in Huntsville Thursday. The doors just opened two weeks ago, …

Bilingual clinic in Huntsville wants to expand, offer more …
    You may recognize Clinica Medica Moscati from WAAY 31's Hispanic Heritage Month coverage. It is a bilingual clinic in Huntsville that provides uninsured …

Nonprofit clinic opens in Huntsville |
    Clinica Medica Moscati, named after a saint of caretaking, opened its doors for the first time on Wednesday to anyone in need of primary care. “In the case of …

Get Involved - Help - Clinica Medica Moscati
    Please contact us at We need help maintaining our website. If you can volunteer your time and help us with this please contact us at our …

    La Clínica Moscati Médico-Quirúrgica está enfocada en brindar a los pacientes servicios médicos y quirúrgicos-oftalmológicos Contamos con las siguientes certificaciones: Especialidad de Cirujano Oftalmólogo por el …

Poliambulatorio Moscati – Poliambulatorio Moscati
    POLIAMBULATORIO SPECIALISTICO GIUSEPPE MOSCATI | Società Cooperativa. Sede Legale Via Mantegna, 1 – 20090 Buccinasco . Sedi Operative. Direttore Sanitario Dott. Andrea Missiroli Via Mantegna,1 - …

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