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Clubbed Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    clubbed adjective ˈkləbd 1 : having a bulbous enlargement of the tip with convex overhanging nail a clubbed finger 2 : affected with clubfoot More from Merriam-Webster on clubbed Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for clubbed Nglish: Translation of …

Clubbing | definition of clubbing by Medical dictionary
    club·bing ( klŭb'ing) A condition affecting the fingers and toes in which proliferation of distal tissues, especially the nail beds, results in thickening and widening of the extremities of …

Lung and Airway Disorders - MSD Manual …
    Clubbing is enlargement of the tips of the fingers or toes and a change in the angle where the nails emerge. Clubbing occurs when the amount of soft tissue beneath …

What to know about clubbed fingers - Medical News Today
    Clubbed fingers occur when the soft tissues of the fingers swell, become spongy, and slowly straighten the curvature of the nail bed. Clubbing typically occurs as …

Clubbed | definition of clubbed by Medical dictionary
    clubbed. (klŭbd) adj. Shaped like a club. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin …

Clubbed Fingers: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
    What are clubbed fingers? Clubbed fingers refers to the way the ends of your fingers look, including your nails and the areas around and under them. These appearances can …

Clubbing of the Fingers or Toes - Healthline
    Clubbing of the fingers or toes refers to certain physical changes to your fingernails or toenails that result from an underlying medical condition. These …

Clubbing Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    2 : the condition of being clubbed In March, during a life-insurance medical examination, he said, Dr. John C. Greco, a physician in Bridge City, had called to his attention the fact that …

Clubbing of the fingers or toes - Mount Sinai …
    Clubbing of the fingers or toes Information | Mount Sinai - New York Home Health Library Clubbing of the fingers or toes Clubbing Clubbing is changes in the areas under …

Clubfoot - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    Overview. Clubfoot describes a range of foot abnormalities usually present at birth (congenital) in which your baby's foot is twisted out of shape or …

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