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Clubbing | definition of clubbing by Medical dictionary
- club·bing ( klŭb'ing) A condition affecting the fingers and toes in which proliferation of distal tissues, especially the nail beds, results in thickening and widening of the extremities of the digits; the nails are abnormally curved and shiny. Medical Dictionary for the Health …
Clubbed Fingers and Nails: Causes and What They Look Like
Lung and Airway Disorders - MSD Manual Consumer …
- Clubbing occurs when the amount of soft tissue beneath the nail beds increases. It is not clear why the soft tissue increases, but it may be related to the levels of proteins that stimulate blood vessel growth. Clubbing …
Clubbed Fingers: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
- Clubbed fingers refers to the way the ends of your fingers look, including your nails and the areas around and under them. These appearances can happen with your toes as well. If …
Clubbing of the fingers or toes - Mount Sinai Health System
- Clubbing of the fingers or toes Clubbing Clubbing is changes in the areas under and around the toenails and fingernails that occur with some disorders. The nails also show changes. Considerations Common …
Clubbing - Clinical Methods - NCBI Bookshelf
- Clubbing is usually acquired and is associated with certain cardiopulmonary and gastrointestinal disorders, but may occur in congenital or familial forms. Acropachy is an alternative term for clubbing. Acquired clubbing is …
Clubbed Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- Medical Definition clubbed adjective ˈkləbd 1 : having a bulbous enlargement of the tip with convex overhanging nail a clubbed finger 2 : affected with clubfoot More from …
Nail clubbing - Wikipedia
- Nail clubbing, also known as digital clubbing or clubbing, is a deformity of the finger or toe nails associated with a number of diseases, mostly of the heart and lungs. [2] [3] When it …
Clubfoot | Johns Hopkins Medicine
- Clubfoot is a foot deformity classified into three different types: idiopathic (unknown cause), neurogenic (caused by condition of the nervous system) and syndromic (related to an underlying syndrome). Idiopathic Clubfoot …
Clubfoot - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
- Diagnosis. Most commonly, a doctor recognizes clubfoot soon after birth just from looking at the shape and positioning of the newborn's foot. Occasionally, the doctor …
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