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Coalesce Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Coalesce is one of a number of English verbs (along with mix, commingle, merge, and amalgamate) that refer to the act of combining parts into a whole. In particular, coalesce usually implies the merging of similar parts to form a cohesive unit, such as a …

Coalesces | definition of coalesces by Medical dictionary
    coalesce: [kō′əles′] Etymology: L, coalescere, to grow together 1 to grow together. 2 to unite.

Coalesce Definition & Meaning |
    to grow together or into one body: The two lakes coalesced into one. to unite so as to form one mass, community, etc.: The various groups coalesced into a crowd. to blend or come …

Coalescing | definition of coalescing by Medical dictionary
    coalesce (kō-ăl-ĕs′) [L. coalescere] To fuse; to run or grow together. Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add …

Coalesce - definition of coalesce by The …
    co•a•lesce (ˌkoʊ əˈlɛs) v.i. -lesced, -lesc•ing. 1. to grow together or into one body. 2. to unite; join together: The various groups coalesced into one party. 3. to blend or …

Coalesce - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms
    Coalesce is when different elements of something join together and become one. In coalesce, you see co-, which should tell you the word means "together." The other half of …

93 Synonyms & Antonyms of COALESCE - Merriam …
    to form or enter into an association that furthers the interests of its members the historic preservation movement gained momentum when the two groups coalesced …

Coalesce Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
    coalesce (verb) coalesce /ˌkowə ˈ lɛs/ verb coalesces; coalesced; coalescing Britannica Dictionary definition of COALESCE [no object] formal : to come together to form one …

Coalesce | Article about coalesce by The Free Dictionary
    coalesce Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Idioms, Wikipedia . coalesce [ ‚kō·ə′les] (science and technology) To come together to form a whole. McGraw-Hill …

How to Use the COALESCE() Function in SQL |
    What Does COALESCE () Do? In SQL databases, any data type admits NULL as a valid value; that is, any column can have a NULL value, regardless of what …

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