At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Cog Wheeling Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Cogwheeling in Parkinson’s Disease: Causes and …
    Cogwheel phenomenon, also known as cogwheel rigidity or cogwheeling, is a type of rigidity seen in people with Parkinson’s disease. It’s often an early symptom of Parkinson’s, and it can be used to make a diagnosis. See more

Cogwheel rigidity: Definition, causes, and testing
    Also known as cogwheel phenomenon or cogwheeling, this type of rigidity refers to a potential movement-related sign of Parkinson’s disease.Parkinson’s disease is …

Cogwheeling Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    ˈkäg-ˌ (h)wēl-iŋ. : cogwheel rigidity. The phenomenon of cogwheeling in the upper limbs is a result of rigidity and superimposed rhythmic contractions on passive stretching of the …

Cogwheel rigidity Definition & Meaning | Merriam …
    noun. cog· wheel rigidity ˈkäg-ˌ (h)wēl-. : muscular rigidity in which passive movement of the limbs (as during a physical examination) elicits ratchet-like start-and stop movements …

Cogwheel rigidity | definition of cogwheel rigidity by …
    cogwheel rigidity tension in a muscle that gives way in little jerks when the muscle is passively stretched; seen in parkinson's disease. decerebrate rigidity see decerebrate …

Cogwheel Rigidity | History of Medicine
    Cogwheel rigidity is one of the criteria for the diagnosis of idiopathic Parkinson disease and is often an early sign of the disease. 3 Clinically, it is characterized by muscular stiffness throughout the …

Cogwheel phenomenon | definition of cogwheel …
    Neurology A circular jerking rigidity in flexion and extension in a background of tremor, which continues throughout an entire range of movement, a finding typical of …

Cogwheeling | definition of Cogwheeling by Medical …
    hy·per·to·ni·a. Extreme tension of the ocular muscles or arteries as seen in glaucoma.

Can someone tell me what Cogwheeling is? | Medical …
    Gaston, IN. Best answers. 0. Feb 4, 2011. #2. Cogwheeling is "The ‘pullback,' jerky or ratcheting effect in an arm or leg that the doctor perceives when moving a …

Cogwheel ocular movements | definition of cogwheel
    cogwheel ocular movements: loose, jerky ocular rotations replacing smooth following rotations.

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