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Sir Colin Blakemore obituary | Neuroscience | The Guardian
    In 2003 Blakemore was appointed chief executive of the Medical Research Council, the government-funded body that operates medical research institutes and …

Letter: Sir Colin Blakemore obituary | Myc Riggulsford | The …
    Medical research Letters Letter: Sir Colin Blakemore obituary Colin Blakemore, centre, giving a press conference when he was the chief executive of the …

Remembering Professor Sir Colin Blakemore – UKRI
    30 June 2022 Paying tribute to a pioneering neurobiologist, Medical Research Council (MRC) CEO and passionate advocate for science communication and …

Colin Blakemore (1944–2022) - Nature
    In 2006, Colin Blakemore, then head of the UK Medical Research Council (MRC), joined Mark Walport, director of the medical research foundation Wellcome, at a …

Colin Blakemore |
    COLIN BLAKEMORE, FMedSci, FRS, is Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council (MRC). He studied Medical Sciences at Cambridge and completed a PhD at the …

Colin Blakemore - Wikipedia
    Sir Colin Blakemore, FRS, FMedSci, HonFRCP, Hon FRSM, FRSB, FBPhS (1 June 1944 – 27 June 2022) was a British neurobiologist, specialising in vision and the development of …

Professor Sir Colin Blakemore FRS - University of Oxford
    From 2003-07, Colin took Special Leave to serve as Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council. He returned as Professor of Neuroscience and …

Fellow Detail Page | Royal Society
    Colin Blakemore was a neuroscientist who contributed to our understanding of vision, and how the brain develops and adapts. Colin was influential in …

Borysiewicz to head UK medical council
    “The most important thing is that the MRC should, and I think will, maintain its quality of judgement in supporting the very best biomedical research in the UK,” …

Raising profile.( Colin Blakemore, the new chief …
    Colin Blakemore, the new chief executive of the Medical Research Council interviewed by Nigel Williams) Curr Biol . 2003 Dec 2;13(23):R891. doi: …

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